Collection: Floor-Stand Incubator Shaker

The "Floor-stand Incubator Shaker" is a type of laboratory equipment designed for incubating and shaking samples under controlled environmental conditions. It is typically suitable for applications that require high capacity and heavy-duty performance. Here are some key features and uses:

  • Incubation and Shaking Functions:
    • Provides stable temperature control (usually above room temperature) for incubating samples. Equipped with a shaking platform that ensures uniform mixing of samples during incubation.
  • High Capacity Design:
    • These devices are usually floor-standing and can handle large volumes of samples or larger culture flasks and bottles. Suitable for long-term and large-scale cultivation experiments, such as microbial culture and cell culture.
  • Temperature Control System:
    • Equipped with precise temperature control systems that can maintain specific temperature ranges.
    • Some models also offer humidity and CO2 concentration control to meet specific experimental needs.
  • Applications:
    • Microbiology: Used for the cultivation of bacteria, yeast, and other microorganisms.
    • Biotechnology: Used in the expression of recombinant proteins and fermentation processes. 
    • Biochemistry: Used to optimize various enzymatic reactions and chemical processes.
  • Additional Features:
    • Programmable Control: Many devices support programmable functions, allowing users to set different shaking speeds, temperature profiles, etc., to meet the needs of different experiments.
    • Safety Features: These devices are often equipped with over-temperature protection, alarm systems, etc., to ensure the safety of experiments.


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The highest price is $10,000.00

3 Products

  • 4℃ to 60℃ 624L Programmable Floor-Stand Vertical Oscillation Incubator ISF624/624R
  • 1'' 4℃ to 60℃ 365L Programmable Vertical Oscillation Incubator ISF365/365R
  • 1'' 4℃ to 60℃ 180L Programmable Vertical Oscillation Incubator ISF180/180R