Collection: Dry Bath Incubator
Digital Dry Bath is a type of laboratory equipment that is used to heat samples. Dry Bath is widely used in various fields, such as molecular biology and cell biology, including gene synthesis, gene cloning and so on. The capacity of these baths is measured in blocks. Depending on the size of the block, you can place a centain number of the tubes into each block, including 0.2ml, 0.5ml, 1.5ml, 2ml, 5ml, 15ml and 50ml tube and so on, we also offer 2 in 1 block bread bath and water bath.
There are 3 main series of dry baths including Block Heater, ThermoStat and ThermoShaker. Block Heater series has heating function, max heating temperature is 150℃. ThermoStat series has heating and cooling functions, max heating temperature is 100℃. Thermoshaker series has heating, cooling and mixing functions, mixing speed is 1500rpm.

Dry Bath Incubators
Digital Dry Bath Incubators are useful for uniform heating of the biological samples in application like preservation, denaturation of nucleic acids and proteins and many other applications. Lab1st dry bath provides precise tempeture for various experiments and multiple blocks to fully satisfy various heating need. In addition to heating, ThermoStat series also has cooling function, and ThermoShaker series has heating, cooling and mixing functions.

Dry Bath Accessories
Select a configuration for use with the Dry Bath Heater, Corning digital dry bath heaters are available in single-block and dual-block configurations. We provide various heating block that including different number of tubes for different series dry bath and 2 in 1 block bread bath and water bath.